How to care for your Cutting Board

Follow these steps and your will have a cutting board that is not only properly cared for, but will last you a very long time to come.

  • Although sufficiently conditioned, all end grain cutting boards will require periodic resurfacing. Our recommendation is to clean your board with mild soap and water each time you use it; wash it and wipe it clean with a soft cloth or paper towel. Take care not to let your board sit in water or under continuous running water. A solution of 1 tablespoon clorox to 1 quart of water can be lightly sprayed on the board and then wiped clean for periodic sanitizing.

  • Never put your cutting board in the dishwasher

  • Depending on use, our recommendation is to apply a coat of mineral oil to your board monthly, at a minimum. Food grade mineral oil can be purchased at most grocery stores. If you notice fluids not puddling on the board surface, it's a good time for another coat.

  • Wood will in fact expand and contract based on the amount of moisture inside it. Keeping your board conditioned with mineral oil or a similar substitute (beeswax, carnauba wax, etc.) will most often keep your board from warping; however because of the natural properties of wood we can make no guarantees. If your board does warp simply dry off any excess water and stand the board on its end for a day; the moisture will draw out of the wood and most often the board will return to its original shape. (We've never had a board not return to it's original shape.... though we'd not leave one sitting in moisture for an extended period outside of normal use).